Upset about the state of affairs in America today?
Want to make things better, but don’t know where to start?
PUSHBAC helps YOU have your voice heard, and change the status quo.
Quickly learn more about complex issues and immediately
take action in a way that measurably can effect change.
We make it easy for you to PUSHBAC and make a difference.

What is PUSHBAC?
It’s time to make a difference
Most people are frustrated by the direction the country is heading. They just feel there is little they can do about it.
PUSHBAC is a platform that empowers regular people with the tools they need to make a difference.
We let you quickly, easily and effectively PUSHBAC against cultural or political issues that you disagree with.
If you’re frustrated or unhappy about issues that are happening in the country, don’t just complain about it! PUSHBAC against it, right here at
Whether its Cancel Culture, government overreach, or Big Tech hypocrisy, we identify the decision makers, and make it easier to PUSHBAC against them. Make your opinion as an individual- and as part of a large group- more powerful.
Leverage the power in numbers by joining other frustrated and dissatisfied Americans on our platform.

Educate. Identify. PUSHBAC.
How We Help
Learn more about complex issues, form a unique opinion, and create some PUSHBAC.
Responsible Messaging
Being respective, responsible and polite goes an incredibly long way. You should NEVER say things that are hurtful, threatening, or demeaning. Doing so just doesn’t work, adds to the already incredible amount of toxicity, and is 100% against what we stand for. Use mature and responsible communication, and make your opinions clear to the right people.
Public Pressure
Once we have identified which people are responsible for a decision, and can make powerful changes, the best method to PUSHBAC is to send them a polite but firm note in a public forum, making clear your stance. Share PUSHBAC with friends and on social media, and have them join our movement. If enough people PUSHBAC, the public pressure will become great enough that change is inevitable.